Cheap Therapy!

These are my words...from my place to share...hopefully inspire...welcome! This is a glimpse into my thoughts and life...enjoy!

Monday, February 21, 2011

seriously Job?!

How did you do it? How did you take all that Satan threw at you? And stay sane? How did you not lash out to those who tried to destoy you? How did you not get bitter and angry? I read chapter 13 this morning and I know you asked God questions, but did you feel you got a response? I want to be able to go through all kinds of attacks and handle it just like you did, not sure I have the strength. Not even sure I have the desire today! I will try to follow your example, praise God for all things even bad things, knowing that it is for His glory. Like a song we sang on Sunday morning, let justice and grace become my embrace,comsumemefrom the inside out,Lord.

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