Cheap Therapy!

These are my words...from my place to share...hopefully inspire...welcome! This is a glimpse into my thoughts and life...enjoy!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Time Flies!

I remember the first words that I said to you, "Hey little man!" I was overwhelmed, scared out of my mind, talk about shock and awe! After what seemed like an eternity, 9 whole months, you had finally arrived. I can not complain you did not take long once you decided to come, and you came on the day you were expected to arrive. After getting a police escort to the hospital, Grandma's fault, and a wonderful dose of drugs, it was only a little over an hour and you were here! Finally, out! Relief should have flooded my whole being but I was numb. Never had I ever felt so completely and utterly out of my element. I had no clue what to do with you, this little man that was now ours to take care of. Raising a child is no joke, and you came without any instructions printed on your itty, bitty, baby buns! I stayed awake all night and just watched you sleep, you looked like a glowworm all swaddled up in your blankets. All those years ago I had no idea how fast time would fly. Now here you are ready to get off the kiddie ride and head to the big roller coaster and all I can do is sit by and pray that we have given you the right tools and training to face the challenges that life has for you. Almost 18 years later, I am still overwhelmed and scared out of my mind! You have been an amazing creation to watch, from baby to toddler, from boy to young man. Where did the years go? You promised me when you were little that you would always be my little man, now you are taller than me. I have watched you grow through some tough things. It was not easy for you to move when you were getting so close to being a teenager and then again as you headed into high school you found yourself faced with the challenges of being the new kid again. I prayed for you that you would find your way through and you did! You have always been a wonderful son, people ask me all the time, "what did you do to have such great kids?" , I am not really sure, Iwe put you in God's hands as soon as the nurse placed you in mine and weIhave never looked back. We know that God has a plan for you, we have always wanted God to use you in big ways. You have always had a soft heart when it came to spiritual things. We as parents tend to celebrate the first things that our children do, but I think back over the years and recall the lasts. The last time I changed your diaper, the last time you were in a car seat, the last time I pushed you in a stroller, the last time I gave you a bath, the last time I chose your "outfit", the last time I kissed your boo-boo, this could take all day, the "lasts" go on and on! This is also a time for new "firsts", first strides toward adulthood, first year at college, first relationships, again the list will be endless. Before long you will be the parent and maybe you will understand how quickly time flies!

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