Cheap Therapy!

These are my words...from my place to share...hopefully inspire...welcome! This is a glimpse into my thoughts and life...enjoy!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Spoken in love?

There is a lot of wisdom in the old sayng,"If you can't say something nice,don't say nothing at all." I will take it a step further, just because you think it you do not have to say it. I always teach my students to think before they speak. Are the words I am going to say hurtful or helpful. This seems to be lost on the majority of people. Especially Christians! I believe in liberty through Christ, but what happened to speaking in love? truth in love, lies in love, they shall know us by our love. Seems like some versions must say, they shall know us by our spiteful,hateful,destructive words. Words are forever, you can apologize and try to erase the words but once out of your mouth, or entered on the computer they are there for all to see. Lord, help me to be careful with my words! Guard my mouth from unkind words spoken out of anger or just a bad mood. As the Psalmist says, let Your praise be continually on my lips.

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